Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Download Utilizing Mobile Phone-based Floating Population Data to Measure the Spatial Accessibility to Public Transit Online Book

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Utilizing Mobile Phone-based Floating Population Data to Measure the Spatial Accessibility to Public Transit

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Abstract: Spatial accessibility to public transit changes with population shifts during the day in association with time-varying transit supply levels. In this study, we propose a strategy for the utilization of mobile phone-based floating population data to measure the accessibility to public transit. We used the Huff model-based, floating catchment area method to measure the time-varying accessibility in Seoul, Korea, during rush-hours and late night hours. We compared the floating population-based access measures with the census data for these hours. Our results imply that utilization of the phone-based floating population data can provide reliable and fine-grained results in cases of evening rush hour and late night hours. Therefore, it can replace static census data typically used for the estimation of the accessibility index. Highlights: A strategy for measuring time-varying accessibility to bus transit during a day is proposed. Hourly occupancy rates, and timetables are considered for measuring attractiveness of a bus stop. Mobile phone-based floating population is utilized to measure the accessibility. Case study shows that the value of the proposed approach in the evening rush-hour and late night transit.

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