Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Free Download How to Measure Sessions of Mobile Phone Use? Quantification, Evaluation, and Applications Online Book

Download Free How to Measure Sessions of Mobile Phone Use? Quantification, Evaluation, and Applications Online Book PDF


How to Measure Sessions of Mobile Phone Use? Quantification, Evaluation, and Applications

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Research on mobile phone use often starts with the question of how much time users spend using their phones. The question involves an equal-length measure that captures the duration of mobile phone use but does not tackle the other temporal characteristics of user behavior, such as frequency, timing, and sequence. In this study, we propose a variable-length measure called “session” to uncover the unmeasured temporal characteristics. We use an open source dataset to demonstrate how to quantify sessions, aggregate the sessions to higher units of analysis within and across users, evaluate the results, and apply the measure for theoretical or practical purposes.

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