Friday, March 29, 2019

Download and Read Effects of Mobile Phone Distraction on Pedestrians' Crossing Behavior and Visual Attention Allocation at a Signalized Intersection: An Outdoor Experimental Study Online Book PDF

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Effects of Mobile Phone Distraction on Pedestrians' Crossing Behavior and Visual Attention Allocation at a Signalized Intersection: An Outdoor Experimental Study

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“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” –C.S. Lewis


Highlights: An outdoor-environment experiment was designed to explore the role of mobile phone distraction on pedestrians' crossing performance. The crossing behavior and visual attention allocation were used to explore how mobile phone distraction affect pedestrians' crossing safety. Text distraction has the greatest effects on the unsafe behavior of pedestrians, then phone conversation distraction and music distraction. Abstract: With the rapid growth in mobile phone use worldwide, traffic safety experts have begun to consider the impact of mobile phone distractions on pedestrian crossing safety. This study sought to investigate how mobile phone distractions (music distraction, phone conversation distraction and text distraction) affect the behavior of pedestrians while they are crossing the street. An outdoor-environment experiment was conducted among 28 college student pedestrians. Two HD videos and an eye tracker were employed to record and analyze crossing behavior and visual attention allocation. The results of the research showed that the three mobile phone distractions cause different levels of impairment to pedestrians' crossing performance, with the greatest effect from text distraction, followed by phone conversation distraction and music distraction. Pedestrians distracted by music initiate crossing later, have increased pupil diameter, and reduce their scanning frequency, fixation points and fixation times toward traffic signal area priorities. In addition to the above effects, pedestrians distracted by phone conversation cross the street more slowly, direct fewer fixation points to the right traffic area, and spend less fixation time and lower average fixation duration on the left traffic area. Moreover, pedestrians distracted by texting look left and right less often and switch, distribute and maintain less visual attention on the traffic environment. These findings may inform researchers, policy makers, and pedestrians.

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